Saturday, December 27, 2014


UMW of Texas
Legislative Event

January 25-27, 2015

A few years ago, Sen. John Whitmire addressed the United Methodist Women at their annual Legis-lative Event. Sen. Whitmire was—and is—Dean of the Texas Senate and chairman of the Senate Committee on Criminal Justice. I’ve thought about Sen. Whitmire’s comments many times, and I recap a part of his speech from memory.

“When I received the invitation to speak to you today, I told my staff to send my regrets because I have to present my budget to the committee today and I don’t have time. But my staff rose up and said, ‘You must go! These are powerful women, and you need them on your side.!”

This is a political witness to the impact that people of faith can bring to bear on “the system” when we work together.

It also speaks to the stature and knowledge of those human resources that Texas Impact provides for our educational event.

We are powerful when we follow Biblical teachings to:
·         Love God and love your neighbor as yourself.
·         Care for the widow, the orphan and the alien among you
·         Do justice, love mercy, walk humbly with your God.

With these teachings in mind, at the Legislative Event we learn about the major issues our legislators will address during the upcoming session. We study these issues; hear experts in the fields explain pro’s and con’s of bills; and, in light of our faith, determine our position on the issues. Then we visit our legislators and share our views and assure them of our prayerful support and attention.

UMW Legislative Event

January 25-27, 2015

Austin Holiday Inn—Midtown

Register online at

The event will be packed with expert policy presentations, practical advocacy training, conversations with top Texas lawmakers, and time at the Capitol.
Our new home is at the Austin Holiday Inn Midtown, at the old Highland Mall. Registration is not capped. There's plenty of room for everyone. Even if you can't stay for the whole 3 days, check the schedule.

** Texas Impact staff will schedule legislative visits for all Legislative Event registrants.

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