Friday, November 6, 2015


This handout is designed to be printed in the customary way: reformatted into two columns with narrow margins, printed back-to-back, and then cut vertically down the center. However, you may encounter some spacing problems at the top of the second column! I have no idea what is wrong. I've tried over and over again to fix it, but I cannot! It prints fine on my printer, but it looks wacky online. If you decide to use it, I hope you can fix it with little problem.




Remember the scripture, Isaiah 59:15-16a…

“Justice is turned back, and righteousness stands at a distance; for truth stumbles in the public square, and uprightness cannot enter. Truth is lacking, and whoever turns from evil is despoiled. The Lord saw it, and it displeased him that there was no justice. He saw that there was no one, and was appalled that there was no one to intervene.”


From Bill Mefford, Director of Civil and Human Rights of the UMC’s General Board of Church and Society:

“I am not sure what I am more outraged by: Persecution of Christians or the silence of so many in the Church at the knowledge of such persecution.

“If we know of persecution and fail to speak out, what does that say about who we are?... The first two Sundays of November <were> set apart to remember and pray for <persecuted Christians around the world> through the International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church.

“<We need> also <to> remember to pray for God to stop persecution and allow people of all faiths the freedom to worship and evangelize. 

“Remembering our persecuted sisters and brothers is always important and necessary, but the United Methodist General Conference, our denomination's highest policy-setting body, has made this a priority. It has repeatedly passed a resolution that states:


“Since The United Methodist Church opposes injustice, intolerance, and bigotry and believes in the power of prayer, we encourage United Methodist congregations to observe in November an

International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church. It is through our earnest prayers that we grow in our sense of unity with Christians around the world, as well as with all members of religious groups who endure persecution.” 

Although the special Sundays have passed, the need for prayer remains. Let us continue to intervene for those so persecuted.


Other tragedies and “natural” disasters continue in our world. Floods and earthquakes compound the misery of the poor and oppressed, and UMCOR—through our gifts—continues to minister in these situations.

And people who have endured years of war and despotism have been driven by desperation to leave their homes and search for better lives somewhere else. I, personally, cannot imagine a situation wherein I would simply pick up whatever belongings I could hope to carry on my person and, with children in hand, start walking—somewhere.

The logistical nightmare that such a migration has created is only the symptom; it is not the problem. Corruption in the seat of governments may be the problem—but the immediate crisis must be addressed.

From UMCOR: “Displaced people are among the least of our brothers and sisters and a reminder that we still live in a broken world. I hear much talk of donor fatigue and weariness over the seemingly unending conflict in Syria. We must remember that the hurt we feel as we see people fleeing their own lands is not a call for surrender or pity but, rather, a call to action.


“The forced movement of people is a manifestation of the brokenness of our world. Refugees, people who cross international borders, and internally displaced persons, those displaced in their own country, too often have to endure the most of failed diplomacy, unjust policies and injustice in relationships.”


As United Methodist Women, our call is to minister to people marginalized and abandoned by those charged with their care, and too often rejected by neighbors who are weary and overwhelmed by the immense human need. Give as you are led, but by all means pray—intervene with God on behalf of God’s people and God’s creation.


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