Tuesday, July 1, 2014


I'm sure all of you know about the humanitarian crisis the U.S. and Mexico are facing. But we hear about so many such situations that there's a possibility that we may become somewhat inured to the pain and fear inherent in them.... This time there are thousands of children involved! We cannot become so accustomed to children's pain that we simply watch. We must act. The following information is prepared for a half-sheet, vertical, back to back. It may be a little more problematic to adjust margins, etc., so I urge you to adapt it however you need to, to enable you to use it as a handout Sunday..... Hope to see you at Mission u in a couple of weeks!


Facebook post by Laura Merrill, District Superintendent, Southwest Texas Conference

Friends, thank you for your concern and prayers regarding the refugee crisis unfolding along the Texas-Mexico border and even increasingly north of the border. We are working hard to put information out into the pipeline, but I know it's a challenge to get the word to everyone. So here's a quick digest of information and places you can look for daily updates. Please share as appropriate with your people.

1. To make monetary donations to the effort along the border, from Laredo to Brownsville, you can send checks to any of the following places:

 SWTX Conference, noted "Texas Border Crisis"
16400 Huebner Road, San Antonio TX 78248-1693

McAllen District, noted "Immigrant Relief"
1909 W. Harrison, Harlingen TX 78550

Holding Institute (to be used in Laredo)**
1220 McClelland, Laredo TX 78040
(**The United Methodist Women National Office sent an emergency grant of $7500 to Holding Institute in Laredo for AC repair and other needs.

(You may make out a check to FUMC UMW and mark it for either of these uses. And of course, you may send a check directly to one or more of these addresses.)

2. In Laredo, look for posts from Revs. Paul E Harris and Andrew Fiser, and check out the Laredo Humanitarian Relief Team FB page. They are doing super work at the UM facility Holding Institute and invite your participation.

3. A list of the needs at Sacred Heart Church in McAllen is updated daily at http://www.foodbankrgv.com.

4. For needs in Brownsville, check the FB page for First United Methodist Church Brownsville, Texas, as that church is fully involved at the welcome center.

The sites above are working with families who have been released by the Border Patrol to appear in courts in other places across the country. The crisis among unaccompanied children is harder to respond to, as it is very difficult to gain access to the facilities where they are being held. Please pray for these children and for those trying to reach and help them.

More to come--apparently families are beginning to be released in San Antonio and perhaps Harlingen as well. Susan Hellums, District Mission Coordinator in the RGV, will be on the job as we assemble a coordinating team.

(Second page begins here)

United Methodist Women believes this situation is a clear and resounding call to action. What will be your part?

If you can possibly do so, please go to Tuesday’s gathering at Le Peep’s prepared to make a gift to one of these funds. Cash will be accepted. Checks made payable to UMW and noted for a specific fund will be deposited into the UMW account and the combined designated total transmitted as noted to San Antonio, Harlingen, or Laredo.

May God guide us and open our hearts
in this opportunity to serve.

“Hear the call;
See the power;
Smell the vision;
Feel the world.
I can feel it, feel the movement:
The women must be gathering!”
--Susan Beehler

“Jesu, Jesu, fill us with your love,
Show us how to serve the neighbors we have from you.

Loving puts us on our knees, serving as though we are slaves,
This is the way we should live with you.”
--Tom Colvin