Tuesday, May 20, 2014


Following is information about human trafficking and slave labor. With adjustments of spacing, you can make a two column, back-to-back, portrait-style document. 

Prepare a Word document in two columns; copy that document on a second sheet; then feed both sheets through a two-sided process. If your copier doesn't copy back-to-back in one step, copy one side, then put those sheets back into the tray and copy on the back. (Sorry: can give no help regarding which side up!) I distributed the information to my Unit and to others who happened through the Fellowship Hall during coffee hour.


To find out how many slaves work for you, go to http://slaveryfootprint.org.
(59 work for me!)

To help stop slavery and human trafficking, consider these options:
*Begin buying Fair Trade products 
a.     www.equalexchange.coop: coffee and chocolate
b.     www.tenthousandvillages.com: jewelry, scarves, bags
c.      Trader Joe’s or Whole Foods: coffee and chocolate
d.     http://fairtradeusa.org/products-partners: for a list of fair of trade products and companies
e.      www.wfto.com: World Trade Organization. (World Fair Trade Day was May 10, 2014.)
*Avoid “big box” stores.
*Look for the Fair Trade logo on items that you buy. (You can find pictures of the several logos online.)

Slave Labor
and Human Trafficking

Many Pakistani boys are signed away to bonded labor at the age of 13. The contracts last until they are 30.
In 2007, Save the Children reported that 250,000 children live and work in Pakistani brick kilns in complete social isolation.
More than 200,000 children are forced to work in India's carpet belt of Uttar Pradesh.
Laborers in much of Southeast Asia’s shrimp industry work up to 20-hour days to peel 40 pounds of shrimp. Those who attempt to escape are under constant threat of violence or sexual assault. They supply most of our shrimp.
Every day tens of thousands of American women buy makeup. Every day tens of thousands of Indian children mine mica, which is the little sparkles in the makeup.
The likelihood that any smart phone was not touched by a slave is pretty low.
In China, soccer ball manufacturing workers will work up to 21 hours in a day, for a month straight.
1.4 million children have been forced to work in Uzbek cotton fields.


This post is exceedingly simple but I've used it to distribute to my Unit to give them the information about online access to all that HAPPENED at Assembly 2014. One way to use it is to copy all three sections and place on a word processing document (like Word), adjust the document to narrow marginslandscape orientation, and three columns. Then you can revise the spacing and size of type--typeface can also be revised, of course--to form a three-up document that you can cut apart and pass out. With only 15 pages of paper, I gave all the women in my Unit virtual access to Assembly 2014!


Watch events online!
In your browser, type:
UMW Assembly 2014

At that site, you may select from the dozens of events, workshops, and worship services that HAPPENED at Assembly 2014!

Watch events online!
In your browser, type:
UMW Assembly 2014

At that site, you may select from the dozens of events, workshops, and worship services that HAPPENED at Assembly 2014!

Watch events online!
In your browser, type:
UMW Assembly 2014

At that site, you may select from the dozens of events, workshops, and worship services that HAPPENED at Assembly 2014!

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

It’s what I think of first, when I reflect on UMW Assembly 2014:

“Until all are fed we cry out!
Until all on earth have bread.
Like the One who loves us each and every one,
We serve until all are fed.”

I hear 7000-plus women singing in unison of voice, spirit and soul.
And, truly, that’s what Assembly was all about—and what United Methodist Women is all about: serving until there is justice for all.
My dear, dear sisters. There is still so much injustice in this world, but through our almost 150 years we have made giant changes all over the globe, and we still are making very positive changes… and we must continue until all on earth have justice.
Let me give you an overview of just some of the offerings.

The Film Festival included:
Chasing Ice and Gasland (environmental justice)
The Raising of America and Behind the Kitchen Door (economic justice)
I Believe You: Faith’s Response to Intimate Partner Justice (domestic violence)
Welcome to Shelbyville and Harvest of Empire (immigration)
Herman’s House; Unnatural Causes: Is Inequality Making Us Sick?; Waking in Oak Creek (racial justice)

Not My Life (human trafficking) was also one of the offerings.  I watched this film, and found it a powerful documentary on trafficking. WE CANNOT CONTINUE TO TOLERATE THIS GHASTLY SLAVERY! A $32 billion industry that de-humanizes children and young women! $32 billion made on the backs and in the beds of enslaved people!!

I refer you to the websites for Not My Life. Type “Not My Life film” in your browser and choose a site. There are numerous links relating to the film. I URGE—BEG you to watch the youtube presentation of the film’s trailer…and then perhaps the whole film. I have ordered the DVD and will make it available to you.

In his response to the trafficking situation, Kofi Annan said something like this: “Human trafficking is a moral affront to me! I have to consider, Who am I?” And that’s really the basic question for every single one of us: Do I see that this business is a moral affront to ME? Can I ignore such a situation and be true to the Christ in me?


The Workshop Menu included literally dozens of topics. A very short list follows:

Birthing a Healthy World: The Church’s Role in Improving Maternal and Reproductive Health
Caring for Our Elderly Parents
Challenging the Culture of Violence in the United States
The Christian Consumer: Living Ethically in a Material World
Linking Service with Justice Advocacy in Your Community
“Making Judgments”: Skills for Conflict Resolution and Deep Communication
Migration Is a Global Concern
Politics Is Personal
Walking the Talk: Putting Justice and Joy, Spirit and Sustainability into All of Our Meetings
Why Justice in Palestine Is a Racial Justice Imperative
I attended the sessions on Justice in Palestine, Politics Is Personal, and Social Justice as a Spiritual Pursuit: Living Lives of Radical Welcome.

Quotable Quotes:

         Justice in Palestine

From the Geneva Convention: The occupying power must ensure food and medical supplies of occupied population. The occupying power shall agree to relief offered to population. The occupying power cannot contaminate water or land. (Israel has defied all three.)

Israel’s avowed approach is to “put Palestinians on diet, but not severe enough that they die of hunger.”

From David Wildman, executive secretary for Human Rights & Racial Justice with the United Methodist Church's General Board of Global Ministries: The situation in Israel/ Palestine is a question of human rights, about land and rights. It’s not a matter of who’s good or bad. The ministry is to erode injustice. In a fight between elephants, all the grass gets trampled.

The US has been a stumbling block in UN efforts to bring about change regarding South Africa and Palestine, vetoing sanctions against both countries.

Three philosophies of political regimes are colonialism, apartheid, and foreign occupation.

Clearly stated policies and laws reveal racial discrimination is at the heart of Israel’s treatment of Palestinians. There are too many instances to enumerate. Check it out on-line, through reliable sources..

Approaches we can take to change the situation: Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions (BDS).

                         Politics Is Personal

Politics are how we order our society, express our faith.

Justice/Mishpat (Hebrew) was established by God to counter any power that is organized against justice or when powerful are favored.

The duty of politics is to establish justice in sinful world.                 -- Reinhold Niebuhr

Political action seeks to uplift and empower; speaks to the system, not just immediate condition; involves partnerships; is ongoing and challenging.

                            Social Justice as a Spiritual Pursuit

The first migration was when God’s Spirit moved over the face of the earth.

At the point of action, one becomes real.

Anything I do, I force Christ to do with me.

Social justice is justice in terms of distribution of wealth, opportunities and privileges within a society.

Any relationship is Trinitarian. Read Taking the War out of Our Words by Sharon Ellison.

The secret of a spiritual life is to go to the “other.”

                              Hillary Clinton, keynote speech

From a UMC family background, Hillary Clinton spoke to us with the theme:  Jesus said to disciples, “Don’t send them away. YOU feed them!”

From Martin Luther King, Jr.: We are all in an inescapable network of mutuality.

To get an idea of the slavery involved in what YOU own, go on-line to slaveryfootprint.org.