Critical Shortages of
UMCOR Relief Kits
Following is a list of the kits that UMCOR
You may contribute online at umcor.org or you may write a check to FUMC with a note that it is
for Advance #901440.
$8 buys a birthing kit: soap, latex
gloves, plastic sheeting, cotton string, razor blade, blankets
$12 buys a health kit: hand towel,
washcloth, comb, nail clipper, soap, toothbrush, bandaids, plastic bag
$18 buys a sewing kit: fabric, needles, thread,
buttons, scissors, plastic bag
$35 buys a school kit: blunt scissors, pads of paper,
pencils and sharpener, ruler, eraser, crayons, cloth bag
$55 buys a cleaning bucket: bucket, laundry detergent,
cleaner, dish soap, air freshener, insect repellent, scrub brush, cleaning wipes,
sponges, scouring pads, clothespins, clothesline, trash bags, dust masks,
disposable gloves, work gloves
Critical Shortages of
UMCOR Relief Kits
Following is a list of the kits that UMCOR
You may contribute online at umcor.org or you may write a check to FUMC with a note that it is
for Advance #901440.
$8 buys a birthing kit: soap, latex
gloves, plastic sheeting, cotton string, razor blade, blankets
$12 buys a health kit: hand towel,
washcloth, comb, nail clipper, soap, toothbrush, bandaids, plastic bag
$18 buys a sewing kit: fabric, needles, thread,
buttons, scissors, plastic bag
$35 buys a school kit: blunt scissors, pads of paper,
pencils and sharpener, ruler, eraser, crayons, cloth bag
$55 buys a cleaning bucket: bucket, laundry detergent,
cleaner, dish soap, air freshener, insect repellent, scrub brush, cleaning
wipes, sponges, scouring pads, clothespins, clothesline, trash bags, dust
masks, disposable gloves, work gloves
Critical Shortages of
UMCOR Relief Kits
Following is a list of the kits that UMCOR
You may contribute online at umcor.org or you may write a check to FUMC with a note that it is
for Advance #901440.
$8 buys a birthing kit: soap, latex
gloves, plastic sheeting, cotton string, razor blade, blankets
$12 buys a health kit: hand towel,
washcloth, comb, nail clipper, soap, toothbrush, bandaids, plastic bag
$18 buys a sewing kit: fabric, needles, thread,
buttons, scissors, plastic bag
$35 buys a school kit: blunt scissors, pads of paper,
pencils and sharpener, ruler, eraser, crayons, cloth bag
$55 buys a cleaning bucket: bucket, laundry detergent,
cleaner, dish soap, air freshener, insect repellent, scrub brush, cleaning
wipes, sponges, scouring pads, clothespins, clothesline, trash bags, dust
masks, disposable gloves, work gloves
Shortages of UMCOR Relief Kits
Methodist Committee on Relief—sends
emergency relief kits to disaster scenes all over the world.
they desperately need our help with this vital ministry. Please support them by giving generously to Material Resources, Advance #901440, or
by working with your congregation to assemble much-needed relief-supply kits
for UMCOR depots.
may contribute online at umcor.org
or you may make out a check to FUMC
with a note that it is for Advance
year, UMCOR had sent a total of 536,946 relief kits to 12 countries and to 12
states in the U.S. That was an increase of 28.5% as compared to any previous
year. As a result, both UMCOR depots now have critical shortages of
relief-supply kits to meet the increased demand for supplies around the world.
Shortages of UMCOR Relief Kits
Methodist Committee on Relief—sends
emergency relief kits to disaster scenes all over the world.
they desperately need our help with this vital ministry. Please support them by giving generously to Material Resources, Advance #901440, or
by working with your congregation to assemble much-needed relief-supply kits
for UMCOR depots.
may contribute online at umcor.org
or you may make out a check to FUMC
with a note that it is for Advance
year, UMCOR had sent a total of 536,946 relief kits to 12 countries and to 12
states in the U.S. That was an increase of 28.5% as compared to any previous
year. As a result, both UMCOR depots now have critical shortages of
relief-supply kits to meet the increased demand for supplies around the world.
Shortages of UMCOR Relief Kits
Methodist Committee on Relief—sends
emergency relief kits to disaster scenes all over the world.
they desperately need our help with this vital ministry. Please support them by giving generously to Material Resources, Advance #901440, or
by working with your congregation to assemble much-needed relief-supply kits
for UMCOR depots.
may contribute online at umcor.org
or you may make out a check to FUMC
with a note that it is for Advance
year, UMCOR had sent a total of 536,946 relief kits to 12 countries and to 12
states in the U.S. That was an increase of 28.5% as compared to any previous
year. As a result, both UMCOR depots now have critical shortages of
relief-supply kits to meet the increased demand for supplies around the world.