Wednesday, October 16, 2013



  UMCOR Birthing Kit  (Value $8)

Birthing kits provide the essential items to promote a safe, clean delivery and to encourage good aftercare.

Place these items inside a sealed one-gallon plastic bag.

  • 1 pair of clean latex gloves
  • 1 hotel-size bar of soap (1 oz. and up)
  • 1 square yard of clear 4 mil plastic sheeting
  • 3 pieces of clean string, each 12” long
  • 1 clean single use razor blade (wrapped in paper or plastic to protect it and keep it from causing injury)
  • 2 flannelette receiving blankets, each 1 square yard

Important Notes:

  • All items must be NEW.  
  • All emergency kits are carefully planned to make them usable in the greatest number of situations. Since strict rules often govern entry into international countries, it is important that kits contain only the requested items--nothing more.  
  • Do NOT include any personal notes, money or additional materials in the kits. These things will be painstakingly removed and will delay the shipment.

Processing & Shipping Costs: Please enclose an envelope containing at least $1 for each kit you send. This donation enables UMCOR to send the kits immediately to areas in need.

You may prefer to send $12 to UMCOR, 475 Riverside Drive, #1520, New York, NY 10115. Include an extra dollar for shipping.... Or you may contribute on-line at


Wednesday, October 2, 2013

UMC Social Creed and Litany

We believe in God, Creator of the world; and in Jesus Christ, the Redeemer of creation. We believe in the Holy Spirit, through whom we acknowledge God’s gifts, and we repent of our sin in misusing these gifts to idolatrous ends.

We affirm the natural world as God’s handiwork and dedicate ourselves to its preservation, enhancement, and faithful use by humankind.

We joyfully receive for ourselves and others the blessings of community, sexuality, marriage, and the family.

We commit ourselves to the rights of men, women, children, youth, young adults, the aging, and people with disabilities; to improvement of the quality of life; and to the rights and dignity of all persons.

We believe in the right and duty of persons to work for the glory of God and the good of themselves and others and in the protection of their welfare in so doing; in the rights to property as a trust from God, collective bargaining, and responsible consumption; and in the elimination of economic and social distress.

We dedicate ourselves to peace throughout the world, to the rule of justice and law among nations, and to individual freedom for all people of the world.

We believe in the present and final triumph of God’s Word in human affairs and gladly accept our commission to manifest the life of the gospel in the world. Amen.

(It is recommended that this statement of Social Principles be continually available to United Methodist Christians and that it be emphasized regularly in every congregation. It is further recommended that “Our Social Creed” be frequently used in Sunday worship.)


God in the Spirit revealed in Jesus Christ, calls us by grace
to be renewed in the image of our Creator,
that we may be one
in divine love for the world.

Today is the day God cares for the integrity of creation, wills the healing and wholeness of all life,
weeps at the plunder of earth’s goodness.
And so shall we.

Today is the day God embraces all hues of humanity, delights in diversity and difference, favors solidarity transforming strangers into friends.
And so shall we.

Today is the day God cries with the masses of starving people, despises growing disparity between rich and poor, demands justice for workers in the marketplace.
And so shall we.

Today is the day God deplores violence in our homes and streets,
rebukes the world’s warring madness, humbles the powerful and lifts up the lowly.
And so shall we.

Today is the day God calls for nations and peoples to live in peace, celebrates where justice and mercy embrace,  exults when the wolf grazes with the lamb.
And so shall we.

Today is the day God brings good news to the poor, proclaims release to the captives,
gives sight to the blind, and sets the oppressed free.
And so shall we